中金筆試2)分別計算bond equity收益 和wacc
中金筆試3)根據行業p/b p/e計算該公司p/b p/e,判斷股票是溢價還是折價 比率是多少
中金筆試4)計算一個叫UFCF的指標 大概是什么自由現金流之類。。。反正歐是不懂
中金筆試6)根據5)計算股票價格 判斷它是undervalue 還是over了
中金筆試7)給recommendation 怎樣可以讓股票價格上升
二、英語閱讀(用英語概括并寫分析報告400字以內,這部分我覺得就好像讓你把人家的報告精煉一下,是關于建行的貸款改革 說如何改革Non profit loans阿 什么asset quality阿,文章大概有2頁半紙長,要求從中寫出3點你認為最重要的評判國有銀行改革是否有效的標準,然后根據這3點分析建行的改革,最后分析給點建議什么的)
三、英語閱讀,中文概括(大概形式和2差不多 就是讓你寫500-800字中文的,內容是美國消費者的支出變化)
中金筆試1. Please tell us about an achievement that you are especially proud of because it was difficult or demanding.
(1)What the objective was?
(2)Why it is important to you?
(3)How you achieved it and the obstacles that you had to overcome in order to do so?
中金筆試2. What is your career plan? Three years after graduation, and five years after graduation?
中金筆試3. Why are you interested in investment bank? What other industries do you also have interests?
中金筆試4. Why do you think you can be a qualified investment banker? How can you contribute in this industry?