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該片改編自英國作家大衛·尼克爾斯的同名暢銷小說《一天》。與發生在六十年代的《成長教育》一樣,《一天》也帶著強烈的時代背景。這個浪漫悲劇故事的起點是1988年。1988年7月15日,一所大學為畢業生的狂熱所充盈。籍著這股躁動,輕浮的德克斯特(吉姆·斯特吉斯 Jim Sturgess 飾)穿過層層人墻,尋找可以與之共度這最后狂歡與浪漫之夜的尤物。他將目光鎖定在艾瑪(安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway 飾)的身上,一個來自普 通工薪家庭的聰慧女孩。然而短短的交流過后,他們之間什么也沒發生,卻又注定改變了彼此的一生。在之后的歲月里,兩人以友人知己的身份時聚時散,彼此分享著人生的苦辣酸甜和各種感悟。德克斯特經歷著事業和婚姻的起落,艾瑪品味著底層人生的辛酸。他們是遠在天邊心也緊緊相連的知己,是深鎖心中最為篤真卻相隔最遠的愛戀……



Look, I'm sure it's not a complete disaster.


London's swallowed me up.

我還妄想大展身手 到頭來還不是默默無聞

I thought I'd make a difference,but no one knows I'm here.

聽著 梅花香自苦寒來

Listen, listen. Nothing truly good was ever easy.


Who said that?

You did.

我說過嗎 真討厭 抱歉我又跟你抱怨了

Did I? That's annoying. I'm sorry for moaning.


If I could just give you one gift,

給你余生的一份禮物 你知道我要給你什么嗎

all right, one gift for the rest of your life, do you know what I'd give you?




I've not seen this before.

哪個 這個嗎 在泰國紋的 太極圖

What, that? I got that in Thailand. It's a yin-yang.


Looks like a road sign.

是嗎 它表示"矛盾的完美統一"

Yeah, well, it means "The perfect union of opposites."


It means "Wear some socks.

你也可以當模特 產品目錄上那種

You could be a model. For a catalog or something.

我想說 從人體自然科學角度來看 我們對彼此可不是一無所知

I'm just saying that we're not entirely unknown to each other from a physical point of view.

拉倒吧 迪特

Drop it, Dex.

你知道嗎 畢業那天晚上 來嘛 回憶一下

Well, you know, that night after graduation. Come on, you must remember.

不 全當是意外 忘了吧

No. Blanked it out like a car crash.


Well, I haven't.

說真的 只要我閉上眼睛 就仿佛還能看到你站在那里 沐浴著黎明的曙光

In fact, if I close my eyes,I can still see you there just standing in the dawn light.


Please don't.

一邊走過來 一邊脫工作服

Provocatively unclasping your dungarees as you walk over to me.


I was not wearing dungarees.

想起來了 是嗎

So you do remember, huh?

拜托 艾瑪 順其自然 別想太多 活在當下

Oh, come on, Em. Be spontaneous. Be reckless. Live for the moment!


I think our moment's passed.


Perhaps I'll watch it later.


The live show is always a bit patchy.

你為什么一定要用那種語調說話 算了 這些和我也沒什么關系

I don't understand why you have to use that voice,but then I suppose I just don't care for this sort of thing.

那樣能吸引青少年 他們從酒吧回家后會看

It's just a bit of fun for kids. They just watch it after the pub.


You mean I'm not drunk enough?

沒 沒這意思

No, it's not that.

說實在的 姑娘們在籠子里跳舞 有什么好看的

You know, honestly, Dexter. Dancing girls in cages. Is this what it's come to?

我只是主持而已 不過是達到目的的手段

I just host it. It's a means to an end, that's all.

達到什么目的? 我們總是告訴你想做什么就去做

But to what end? We always said you could do anything you wanted.

好吧 你們想讓我做什么

Fine. What do you want me to do?

-做點好事 -這就不錯 我只是在做應該做的事 我就能做這些了

-Something good. -It is good. I just do what I'm told. Look, this is what I can do.

抱歉 吃藥讓我容易發脾氣 我需要躺下休息一下 晚上就好了

I'm sorry. The medication makes me ratty. I just need a little lie-down. I'll be better tonight.

是啊 其實 我今晚要出席個首映式

Yeah, you know, um...Actually, I've got this Pmiere thingy tonight.

真對不起 我不能錯過 是《侏羅紀公園》的首映

Look, I'm sorry. I can't miss it. It's Jurassic Park.

兒子 幫我一下

I'm afraid I'm going to need some help.

你還好嗎 摟著我脖子

Are you all right? Here, put your arm around me.

好的 沒事嗎

All right. All right?


Are you all right?



用不用給你拿點什么 水還是酒

Can I get you anything? Water? Dry martini?


What time is it?


Quarter past 6:00.


Yeah, I must have dozed off.

你就在家待這么一會兒 你爸有點生你的氣

I'm afraid you've missed our day. Your father's a little angry with you.


Look, I'll stay tonight.

不 走吧

No. You go.

你們爺倆吵架 沒什么好看的

No pleasure for me watching you and your father snarling at each other.


Can I speak frankly?


Do you have to?


I think it's my Progative.


I know that you're going to be a fine man.

體面 有愛心 有修養

Decent, loving, accomplished.


But I don't think you're there yet.

現在呢 我擔心 你再也變不好了

And right now, well, I worry that you're not very nice anymore.


Well, there's nothing I can say to that.


There is nothing you have to.


I'm not going to argue with you.


You can come and collect your car when you're sober.

你開玩笑吧 我是說 你不能沒收我的車鑰匙

You're being ridiculous. I mean, you cannot confiscate my car key.


Do not dare to insult my intelligence!

你媽那么愛你 你明明知道

Now your mother loves you very much. You know that.


But for whatever time she has left to her...


If you ever, ever come to see your mother in this state again,


I will not let you in the house.

直接把門摔在你的臉上 現在 走

I will close the door in your face. Now...Go.

你不在家啊 剛想起來 你今晚有個約會

You're not there. I just remembered you're on a hot date tonight.

我打的太晚了 收到留言后給我回電好嗎

I'm too late. Okay, can you call me when you get this?

我想找個人說說話 不是找個人 就想和你說

It's just I need to speak to someone. Not someone. You.

艾瑪 你聽到的時候 能不能找個出租車 我來付車費

Em, when you hear this, can you just get in a cab? And I'll pay.

你也可以留下來過夜 睡沙發上之類的

Maybe you could even stay over, you know, on the sofa or something?

我只是要見見你 求你了 能不能過來一趟

I need to just see you. Please, can you just come over?


I'm the king of car crash television.

但是你還是國王啊 很不錯啊

But you're the king of it. That's good.

照片下標注著 "令人厭惡"

Caption under photo, "odious."


Why can't you come again?


Because I'm working.


I'll send a car to come and pick you up.

迪特 我去不了

Dex, I can't.

我知道 對不起

I know, and I'm sorry.

只是有你在的時候 我才很安心

I'm just so much better when you're around.

我只是擔心 站在攝影機面前我會想

Look, I'm just worried I'm gonna be stood in front of the camera thinking,

"這他媽有什么意義" 爛節目 我真是個大騙子 艾瑪

"what's the bloody point?" The show's ridiculous. I'm such a fraud, Em.

別這樣 行了 你知道自己在做什么 沒事

Hey, come on. That's enough. You know what you're doing. You'll be fine.



只要你別用那種奇怪的腔調說話 好嗎

Just don't speak in that weird voice, okay?

-好吧 -好了 再見

-Okay. -All right. Bye.


I'm only flesh and blood.

你沒事吧 她能跟我們一起嗎

Are you all right? Maybe she could join us?

怎么了 我是來見你的 記得嗎

Hey, hey, hey, what's this? I'm here to see you, remember?

好吧 你的書教的怎么樣

Right, well, how's the teaching?

-怎么了 -要是不感興趣就別問了

-What? -If you're not interested, don't ask.


I am interested.

我只是以為 你要寫本小說

I just thought you were going to be writing this novel, that's all.

我會的 但是我首先要生存

And I will. But I have to earn a living.

準確的說 我很享受 我是個很好的老師 迪特

More to the point, I enjoy it. I'm a bloody good teacher, Dexter.


I'm sure you are.


Still, you know what they say?

不知道 怎么說

No, what do they say?

那個 "能者...

You know, "those who can..."

不 抱歉 我沒聽過 說完吧

No, I'm sorry. I'm not familiar. Finish the sentence.

好吧 "能者成事 不能則成師"

All right. Well, "those who can, do, And those who can't, teach."

成師的人說 "去你媽的"

And those who can teach say, "go fuck yourself!"

艾瑪 別這樣 不管我做了什么 對不起

Em! Em, come on. Look, whatever I've done, I'm sorry.


You've obviously had a bit too much to drink.

不 你才喝多了 你喝多了

No, you're drunk! You're drunk!

你沒意識到 我已經三年沒見你清醒過了嗎

Do you realize that I have literally not seen you sober for three years?

每十分鐘就去一次廁所 你要么是在吸可卡因 要么就是在拉痢疾

Nipping off to the toilet every 10 minutes. Either you're on coke, or you've got dysentery.

無論是什么 都很煩

Either way, it's boring!


Banging on about yourself all the time.

好吧 我不介意 迪特

Well, I wouldn't mind, Dex,

但是你是電視主持人 好嗎

but you're a TV Psenter, all right?


You've not invented penicillin.

你所做的不過是站著大喊 開始歡呼吧

All you do is stand around shouting, "make some noise!"

我很快活 不就行了

Look, I am having fun, that's all.


I've been through a lot recently.

我可能有些忘乎所以了 但是要是你一直試著去理解我

I might get a bit carried away, but if you wouldn't stop getting at me...

我沒有嗎 我不是故意的 我...

Am I? I don't mean to, and I...

我知道你最近經歷了一些事 你媽的事 我都知道

I know that you've been through a lot with your mum and all, I know.

但是 我也有事情想要跟你說

But, there are things that I needed to talk to you about.


About how I am stuck in this flat with a man that I am not in love with.

要是我不能跟你說 那你有什么意義 我們有什么意義

And if I can't talk to you, then what is the point of you? Of us?


What do you mean, "what's the point?"


I think we've outgrown each other.

不 是你不再適應我了

No, you have outgrown me.


You think I'm uncool and dreary.

你一點也不悶 艾瑪

I don't think you're dreary. Em...

要是沒緣分了 我們就要面對現實 然后道別了

I think if it's over, then we should just face facts and say goodbye.


It sounds like you're dumping me.

是啊 也許我就是

Yeah, maybe I am.


You're not who you used to be.

別這樣 艾瑪 我道歉行了吧 求你了

Come on, Em. Look, I apologize! Please.

對吧 就是嘛 來吧

Come on. That's it. There.

我愛你 迪特 很愛 只是我不能那樣喜歡你了 對不起

I love you, Dexter. So much. I just don't like you anymore. I'm sorry.

老天哪 我都32了

It's just I'm 32, for God's sake.

什么 他們要解雇我

What, they're sacking me?

你看吧 解雇的意義太消極了

You see, sack has negative connotations.


It's just they wanna try a new Psenter.


So they are sacking me?

不 他們想把節目重新定位

Well, no, they're taking the show in a different direction,


but it's a direction away from you.


Okay, so less you now.




More you in your 20s.

好吧 好吧

Right. Right.


So, what's the good news?



你說有壞消息 那么好消息呢

Well, you said you had some bad news. What's the good news?

所有的事業都有起有落 這不過是個低谷而已

Every career has its ups and downs. This is just a bloody great down.

你能明白 迪特

And I sense a bit of disenchantment, Dexy.

我只是有些擔心未來 這跟我所期望的不太一樣

Just a little concerned about my future. It's not quite what I was expecting.

未來總是如此 所以才刺激呢

The future never is. That's what makes it so bloody exciting!

大家都愛你 對吧

Everyone loves you, yeah?

不過他們愛那個愛挖苦人 讓人又愛又恨的你

But they love you in that ironic, love-to-hate kind of way.

對吧 現在你呢 去找個真正愛你的人

Right? And all that we need to do is just find someone that loves you for real.

我上臺 說道 "這是一個有趣的故事 保證你們喜歡"

I come on, and I say, "Here's a funny story. You'll like this."

-伊恩 -"有一個家伙 他與這個女孩約會 他很崇拜她

-Ian. -"There's this guy, and he's going out with this girl, and he worships her,

然后他們一起買了這座公寓 接著他送了她一枚訂婚鉆戒 買了一切

and they buy this flat together. And then he gets her an engagement ring, the lot.

結果 女孩仍然愛著她最好的朋友"

It turns out that she is still in love with her best friend."

很有趣的推測 但我已經很久都沒見過迪特了

Interesting theory, Ian, except I've not seen Dexter for ages.

-沒見過嗎 -那不是原因

-No? -That is not the reason.

你知道他是怎么發現的嗎 他讀了她的詩

Do you know how he found out about it? He read it in her poetry.


You bastard!

-把它還給我 -"我們的畢業之夜"

-Give it back to me! -"Our graduation night!

"在同一張床上的強烈欲望" "在法國不可思議的一周"

"The erotic intensity of the shared bed." "That magic week in France."


It's all here in blank verse.

如果你再敢來這里 我就叫警察

If you ever, ever, come in here again I will call the police!

叫他媽個屁警察 這也是我的公寓

Call the bloody police! It's my flat, too!

是嗎 我付的按揭款

Is it? I paid the mortgage!

你只是坐在這里放屁 看他媽的《可汗的憤怒》

You just sat around farting and watching the bloody Wrath of Khan!


It's a good job we didn't get married.

很抱歉偷窺了你所有的東西 我最近有些煩躁

I'm sorry about going through all your stuff. I've just been a bit mad recently, that's all.


It's all right.


I miss you.


I know you do.

就是這里 或者說著了魔 我不能確定

Like, right here. Either that, or it's trapped wind. I'm not sure.

不管怎樣 它會沒事的

Either way, it'll pass.

順便說一句 它很好

It's good, by the way.

不是指詩集 詩集太糟了 但是其余的那些故事

Not the poems. The poems are awful, but the rest of the stuff, the stories.

你很風趣 相當風趣

You're funny. Proper funny.

-不像我 -伊恩

-Not like me. -Ian.

不 我只是說你應該將它們公布于眾 你比所了解的自己要更棒

No, I'm just saying that you should show them to someone, because you're better than you know.

一次狂歡不會讓你在夜里感到溫暖 艾瑪

Well, an orgy won't keep you warm at night, Emma.


An orgy won't look after you when you're old.


Well said.

不管怎樣 我自毀前途 搞砸了和媽媽的關系

Anyway, I screwed up my career. And screwed up things with Mum.


That's not true.

我還搞砸了我的友誼 然后熙薇出現了

And I screwed up my friendships. And then Sylvie just came along.

她好像是來拯救我的 真的 她非常漂亮

And she sort of, well, saved me, really. She's very beautiful.

當然了 她完全沒有幽默感

Of course, she has absolutely no sense of humor.

